Welcome to boca d' luna.com, Mi Arte, Mi Familia, y Mi Cultura
Boca d' Luna page was originally created for my children, I wanted to create a space where I could post information not only about my work but also about our traditions, art, food, and also highlights of important Mexican/ Chicano /LatinX / Mexican - American influential people and historical events. I want to encourage them to want to learn about their family roots and cultura.
The idea was born after working in an elementary school and learning that many children are not aware of the beauties of their own culture. Many of my students could not relate to folk art "artesania", stories, holidays because they were never exposed to them, I did not want this to be the same for my children. I want them to be inspired, to be empower by our wonderful culture and history.
-Tlazohcamati (thank you in Nahuatl)
The idea was born after working in an elementary school and learning that many children are not aware of the beauties of their own culture. Many of my students could not relate to folk art "artesania", stories, holidays because they were never exposed to them, I did not want this to be the same for my children. I want them to be inspired, to be empower by our wonderful culture and history.
-Tlazohcamati (thank you in Nahuatl)
Oakland, CA 94605 |